Last week, Samsung shared a blog post about its 'Safety Truck,' a trailer-truck that has a wireless camera in the front and four giant screens on the back to display its front view to cars behind it.
NEW DELHI: Samsung's working on a new concept that could potentially make driving a lot safer.
Last week, Samsung shared a blog post about its 'Safety Truck,' a trailer-truck that has a wireless camera in the front and four giant screens on the back to display its front view to cars behind it.
With this, cars behind the truck will get a better view of what's in front of them, allowing them to make better decisions, especially when they decide to overtake the truck, Samsung says.
It's also intended to prevent sudden brakes or crashes into animals on the road.
Samsung cited stats from Argentina to explain the logic behind this idea: Argentina has one of the highest car accident rates in the world, with most of them involving passing on two-lane roads.
But Samsung noted the 'Safety Truck' is still only a prototype and not operational yet. Samsung says it provided the display technology and partnered with a local 'B2B client' for the testing.
But based on what it saw in its testing phase, Samsung seems to believe this idea will take off soon.
"So far Samsung has been able to confirm that the technology works and that this idea can definitely save the lives of many people," it writes.
The video below should give you a better idea of how it works:
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